So That You May Believe and Have Life – The Gospel of John
Part 3 – Behold! The Lamb of God
John 1:29
John 1:29 – Speaking about John the Baptist, the Apostle John writes: 29 The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!
Jesus’ Apostle John writes what we know of as the 4th Gospel in the New Testament (Gospel means The Good News about Jesus). In chapter 20:30-31, John tells his readers and us today the reason why he wrote about his three years of spending almost every day with Jesus. See John 20:30-31… John wrote this book so that anyone reading it may continue to believe in Jesus and have life by the power of his name. Both John the Baptist in Jesus’ day and later the Apostle John don’t want people to miss out on Jesus. They realize God loves us and wants a relationship with us here in life and in eternity. Jesus is the way to forgiveness of sin and life with God.
Genesis 3:14-15: Immediately after human beings give in to temptation and sin, God begins to provide a way for our salvation through Jesus.
Genesis 15: God shows how he is going to take our place and bear the consequences of our sin when he sentences Jesus to die for us in the Covenant he makes with Abram, whose name God later changes to Abraham.
Exodus 12: In the Passover story, God gives us a picture of being the lamb of God who will come to take on our sin and death and give us life.
John 3:16-17 & 1 John 3:1: God offers us forgiveness of sin and eternal life by being part of his family because he loves us and wants a relationship with us. What will be our response?...
Taking It Home
We encourage you to take a few minutes today and this week to process this morning’s message. These questions are designed for discussion with your family, a friend, mentor, spouse, and small group. They are also useful for self-reflection.
1. What stands out to you in these passages from the Bible? From the message?
2. What is difficult for you to understand or accept in these passages from the Bible? From the message?
3. What is God saying in these passages and through what we heard in the message about Himself? About people? About you?
4. What examples are there to follow, commands to obey, or promises to stand on from these passages in the Bible, and from what we heard in the message?